
Wired Systems

Wired Temperature Monitoring Solutions

Being the industry leader for 40 plus years has given us the opportunity to develop systems for all sizes and needs.



We offer the most compliant systems in the market and the most diverse methods of delivery.  Your system can be wired, wireless, WiFi or a hybrid of all.

Rees Scientific’s automated monitoring originated with wired systems and they continue to be a favored installation among many customers.  As we have developed new products, we’ve continued to enhance our wired offerings.  Many of our clients prefer to use a wired system due to its reliability and stability.

Rees Scientific is truly the comprehensive solution for your automated refrigerator and freezer monitoring needs. 

Wired Systems Benefits

Offer solid buffering stability

Can be on your network or the ReesCloud

Are fully GxP and FDA compliant

Provide the most robust notification in the industry

Learn How Our Wired System Works

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